سفارة أستراليا
إريتريا، السودان،

معلومات عن أستراليا

About Australia

General information

Information about Australia`s trade, foreign relations, economy, environment, government, indigenous peoples, science, culture and more. An overview of Australia.

Foreign policy

Advancing the National Interest is the Government`s - and Australia`s - second foreign and trade policy White Paper. It is a comprehensive assessment of Australia`s place in the world and articulation of the Government`s strategies to protect and promote the security and prosperity of Australia and our people.

Trade policy

The Australian Government`s ambitious trade policy is geared towards increasing economic activity, creating jobs and getting a fair deal for Australia in the international marketplace. This all adds up to more jobs, more choice for consumers, and a higher standard of living for all Australians.


Access to Australian Government information and services.

Phone directories