Australian Embassy
Also accredited to Eritrea and Sudan

Services for Australians

If you are an Australian citizen requiring urgent consular assistance

  • Call the chancery switchboard on +2 02 2770 6600 and hold so you will be transferred to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's 24 hour Consular Operations Centre in Canberra.

  • Call the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's 24 hour Consular Operations Centre direct on  +61 2 6261 3305  or call 1300 555 135 (from within Australia).

  • Email us at [email protected]

Personal information provided to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988. We may collect, use and disclose your personal information, including to overseas recipients where we reasonably believe it is necessary, to provide you with consular assistance. Important information about the privacy of your personal information is contained in our Consular Privacy Collection Statement, which you should read and understand. Copies of the Statement are available at or by requesting a copy from the Department.


Consular Assistance

The Consular Services Charter outlines the consular services and assistance that may be provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. There are a range of tasks which are outside the consular role and there will be circumstances in which our ability to provide consular support may be limited. Please consult the Consular Services Charter for details.

Personal information provided to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) is protected by law, including the Privacy Act 1988. We may collect, use and disclose your personal information, including to overseas recipients where we reasonably believe it is necessary, to provide you with consular assistance. Important information about the privacy of your personal information is contained in our Consular Privacy Collection Statement, which you should read and understand. Copies of the Statement are available at or by requesting a copy from the Department.

Seeking legal advice in Egypt

The Australian Embassy cannot provide legal advice to Australians in Egypt, but can provide this list of lawyers who may be able to assist.

The names and contact details of lawyers practicing in Egypt appearing on this list has been compiled by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) from publicly-available information. DFAT does not endorse any of the lawyers appearing in this list, provides no guarantees as to its currency and does not accept any liability if you choose to engage one of these lawyers to provide legal services.

For more information about laws, see our travel advice.

Consular Section Opening Hours

If you are an Australian citizen requiring urgent consular assistance:

  • Call the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade's 24 hour Consular Operations Centre direct on +61 2 6261 3305 or call 1300 555 135 (from within Australia).
  • Email us at [email protected].

The Embassy is open from 8.00 am to 4.30 pm Sunday to Wednesday and from 8.00 am to 1.30 pm on Thursday. The Embassy is closed on public holidays.

Useful Links

Translation Offices in Egypt

List of Funeral Directors

List of Doctors and Hospitals


Smartraveller has the latest, authoritative travel advice so you can be informed and prepared about overseas travel. Subscribe to receive travel advice updates - by simply supplying your name and email address – straight to your inbox.

In a crisis, Smartraveller will activate a crisis page on its website. It will make it easier for you or someone you know to contact the Australian Government if you need help. It will supplement the consular emergency hotline.

Visit to subscribe or connect with Smartraveller on Facebook and Twitter.

Top Travel Tips

  1. Check the latest travel advice and subscribe to receive free email notifications each time the advice for your destination is updated.
  2. Take out comprehensive travel and medical insurance and ensure it covers you for the places you plan to visit and the things you plan to do.
  3. Make sure your passport has at least six months’ validity from your planned date of return to Australia. Carry extra passport photos in case your passport is lost or stolen and you need to replace it while you’re away.
  4. Check with health professionals for information on recommended vaccinations and other health precautions. Remember that vaccinations can be an entry requirement for some countries. Also find out about taking medication overseas – certain medicines aren’t allowed in some countries.
  5. Make sure you have the right visas for the countries you are visiting or transiting and check any other entry or exit requirements.
  6. Check to see if you’re regarded as a national of the country you plan to visit, and whether dual nationality will have any implications for your travel plans.
  7. Make copies of your passport details, insurance policy, travellers cheques, visas and credit card numbers. Carry one copy in a separate place to the originals and leave a copy with someone at home. 
  8. Obey the laws of the country you’re visiting even if these appear harsh or unfair by Australian standards. Don’t expect to be treated differently from the locals just because you’re Australian.
  9. Keep in contact with friends and family back home and give them a copy of your itinerary so they know where you are.

Visas for Australians travelling to Egypt

The Embassy is not in a position to provide information regarding the visa regulations of other governments. For enquiries on obtaining/renewing Egyptian visas or work permits, please approach the nearest Egyptian Embassy/Consulate for the most up-to-date information. If you are currently in Egypt, you need to approach the Passports, Migration and Citizenship Authority at Mogammaa El Tahrir (El Tahrir Complex), First Floor, Tahrir Square, Downtown Cairo.


For information and enquiries regarding Centrelink matters (including qualification rules for payments & services), please contact Centrelink directly:

Centrelink International Services (CIS)
GPO Box 273
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia 7001

Telephone: +61 3 6222 3455 (24-hour answering machine)

Facsimile: +61 3 6222 2799

Email: [email protected]

Website: – and choose Centrelink
Or follow this link:

Living Overseas

Please follow the links below for information on living overseas:

Former Residents

Please follow the link for information on benefits, payments and services for Australian residents.

Returning to Australia

Handy information for Australians or residents returning from a holiday or moving back to Australia.


Elections are an important part of Australia's civic life and essential to our democracy. Please follow the links below for information relating to elections: